Ed and Joan Jachino 50th wedding anniversary


Ed and Joan Jachino will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on March 30. They were married in Glen Ellyn, Illinois at Glen Ellyn Methodist Church in 1963.

In 1976, the Jachinos moved to Peachtree City with their three daughters. Still residing in Peachtree City, Ed is retired from the James River Corporation, and Joan is a retired Fayette County teacher. While enjoying retirement, both are active in the community.

The Jachinos will celebrate their anniversary in the north Georgia mountains in June with their daughters, Karen (Thomas) DuPree, Susan (Ted) Reissing, and Laura (Tom) Carlson, and their seven grandchildren (Hannah and Jake DuPree; Abby, Kate, and Sam Reissing; and Jackson and Ella Carlson).