Studio rezoning up Thurs. night


A plan to rezone 289 acres in rural central Fayette County to make way for a multi-million dollar movie studio will be up for a vote before the Fayette County Commission Thursday night.

The project is expected to bring roughly 2,000 jobs once it gets up to full steam.

The planning commission and county zoning staff are recommending approval of the request, which would change the zoning from agriculture-reserve and R-70 residential to GB, the county’s brand-new General Business zoning classification. The commission has the final say on the matter because it involves changing the zoning of the parcels involved.

Pinewood Studios, headquartered in London, wants to make Fayette County the home of its first base of operations in the United States. Company officials reportedly hope to have part of its first phase operational in January 2014.

Local officials have been working on the plans, dubbed “Project Stargate” for over a year.

For more details, see our story in Wednesday’s edition of The Fayette Citizen.