Reply to angry liberal’s hateful letter


A letter in response to the angry liberal in The Citizen Feb. 6, 2013.

First a critique: learn to encapsulate your thoughts and get your message across succinctly. If I may, it seems to me your response to the question why nearly 100 percent of African-Americans voted for Obama could have been stated so, “All Republicans are sub-human, racist, knuckle-dragging, lying children of Satan himself and Obama is in fact the son of God.”

See, your message in far fewer words!

What you did by filling nearly an entire page of this paper with your vitriol was simply to put on display exactly the expected response from a liberal in America today.

Vile, nasty, dehumanizing characterizations are spewed in order to avoid making a cogent point. Forget that Romney is a devout Mormon, devoted family man, community leader, and successful businessman. You simply bundle him up with others who have different views than the American Left and then spit hot venom all around until the question asked is forgotten.

By the way, an argument against public money paying for women’s contraceptives is not an obsession with “V’s.” And if you were referring to abortion, how narcissistic must one be to translate a core belief held by the majority that this act is morally abhorrent and should be avoided as much as possible to an obsession with your woman parts? “I wanna talk about me, me, me, me, ME!”

At the end of the day your diatribe full of hate never answered the original question asked. To be fair, I read that original question as a baited trap and you fell right into it.

Use as many words as you wish to avoid the obvious truth. Most African-Americans vote Democrat and will for the foreseeable future. At this point, it’s as much habit as logic (as it is for white men and Republicans). The increased voter numbers and percentages from that same demographic comes from the simple fact that Obama’s father was black and Romney is white. Was that so hard to read?

I am a conservative American and I for one do not judge others by the color of their skin (or their religion or sexual preference or even eye color). However, I may make judgments based upon countenance and actions.

Just because some disagree significantly with the course of the current administration and support those who work to block it does not make them racist or misogynists, and I am sick of such accusations. You diminish real hate and real racism by using such labels as a club to silence opposition.

Your words however, clearly demonstrate hatred for conservatives and their positions. Know that most conservatives do not hate our President. We do believe in our hearts and minds that most of his actions are misguided by a core belief he holds that a large central government, lead by a powerful executive that leverages power by taking from those who have and defines for the governed what they need and must do is best for society.

A dictator, however benevolent, is still a dictator. The power grabs by the executive branch did not start with Obama by a long shot, but we are near a tipping point where the people’s representatives are becoming little more than theater.

We vehemently disagree with this concept of an over-bearing, over-arching central government and rely on real history to support our position that a “Government Of the People, By the People, and For the People,” with co-equal branches and a separation of federal and states-held powers is still the best option.

To that end we will continue to support people who still believe that the God-given “unalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,” continue to be relevant, and the protection of those rights is a valid foundation of our country.

It is our duty as American citizens to speak out against any governmental actions that will diminish those rights, regardless of the race or creed of those in power.

Alan Felts

Peachtree City, Ga.