PTCUMC’s Sonrise Ringers perform at Governor’s Mansion


On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16, the high school handbell choir at Peachtree City United Methodist Church, the Sonrise Ringers, provided  Christmas music for the annual Christmas tour of the Governor’s Mansion in Atlanta.  

Every year for approximately two weeks, the public is invited to tour the Governor’s Mansion which has been decorated for the holiday season. Months before, the call goes out across the state for school choral and instrumental groups to provide music during these tour times. The PTCUMC group responded and was selected to come. Once a group performs, it must wait three years before going back to give other groups an opportunity to perform.

The PTCUMC handbell choir provided music in the state drawing room for an hour and a half as people filed past admiring all thedecorations. People also stopped to express their appreciation for and admiration of the  music provided by the bells and chimes.

Mrs. Sandra Deal,  wife of Governor Deal and Georgia’s First Lady, welcomed the group and posed for photos.