Leftists are not yet a protected class … yet


Today I opened the paper and found out that Mr. David Aycock has accused me of planning to put left-wingers in concentration camps like the Nazis. I don’t understand how he reached that conclusion.

I said that I thought the people on the right who still treasure freedom, personal responsibility, capitalism, and individualism should band together and use our economic power to fight back against the leftist moochers and looters who want to plunder our earnings and assets.

Of course leftists always spin things to ridiculous conclusions. I guess I should also be labeled a racist since I oppose our leader, General Secretary Obama, even though it is because of his socialist beliefs and not his race.

Just because 52 percent of the electorate is willing to sell their freedom for a government handout does not mean that the 48 percent who voted against the socialist regime of Barack Obama have to go along with it. We can and should fight back. We owe it to our children to fight back.

I simply advocated that we deny the economic benefit of our incomes to the people who support socialism in America. There is no law against that.

You can legally discriminate against someone for being a leftist. They are not a protected class, at least not yet.

So I encourage conservatives to not buy from known Democrats, companies who sponsor the Democrats, or spend money in blue states and blue Georgia counties.

Additionally, consider stop making money for the rest of the year when you hit the new high tax rate thresholds. If you can afford it shut down your business and pull an Atlas Shrug. Lay off your known leftist employees to get under 50 (the Obamacare threshold) if it is feasible. Do anything you can to stress the social safety net and reduce federal tax revenues.

Aycock, your response to my letter was disappointing. Don’t you know that socialism has been tried repeatedly all over the world? It has never succeeded (it has about a 0-40 record). It can never succeed, because it runs counter to human nature.

The talented in society will simply never produce much if they are forced to share most of their income with the moochers of society. The fiscal cliff we are about to go over is all about one group of people being excessively subsidized by another. It is that simple.

The left’s confiscation of the just rewards of hard work from those who earned it is destroying our republic and will eventually lead to civil war.

Yes, that can happen again in America. The producers in this country have just not reached the level of anger and financial discomfort yet. Nobody wants war, but nobody wants to be plundered either.

Bill Gilmer

Fayetteville, Ga.