Coweta teacher fired for posting pics of students on Creepshots


Former substitute teacher may face Ohio charges for sexting Ohio girl, 16

Former Coweta County School System substitute teacher, 35-year-old Carrollton resident Christopher Bailey, was terminated last week after an investigation by the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office revealed that he had posted photos of East Coweta High School students on the Reddit “Creepshots” website.

Though no crime was committed in Coweta, Bailey may be facing charges in Ohio stemming from other photos and/or text messages of an explicit nature that were allegedly sent to a 16-year-old girl.

Coweta County School System spokesman Dean Jackson said the principal at East Coweta became aware that two photos of East Coweta students were taken without their knowledge and were posted on the website. The sheriff’s office was contacted and the substitute teacher has been terminated, Jackson said.

Commenting on the matter, Sheriff’s Investigator Jason Fetner on Thursday said the school system webmaster and four principals received anonymous emails allegedly from a web watchdog group providing a significant amount of information on Bailey. While the group is likely a few individuals monitoring the Reddit website, Fetner said he did use some of that information while conducting the investigation.

Fetner confirmed that he found links on the Reddit website with photos taken of the East Coweta students. The students were unaware that the photos had been taken, Fetner added.

Fetner used Information gathered during the investigation to obtain a search warrant. He arranged for a meeting with Bailey and, during the meeting, confronted him with the information he had obtained. Bailey turned over his cell phone and admitted to taking and posting the photos of the East Coweta students that were online, Fetner said.

A check of the cell phone also revealed, among other things, a photo of Bailey’s penis, which had been posted on an unnamed location, Fetner said. Also on the cell phone were texts, emails and chats with people as young as 16, though some were in their 30s, said Fetner. More than one of Bailey’s contacts was a student, Fetner added.

One of the people was a 16-year-old girl from Chillocothe, Ohio whom Bailey met on the Reddit website, Fetner said. Bailey told the girl he wanted nude photos of her and would send her nude photos of himself, Fetner added. As for the East Coweta students, Fetner said they were interviewed and nothing of a sexual nature was found to have occurred.

Bailey is not being charged locally because there is no evidence that he committed a crime in this jurisdiction, said Fetner. That said, police in Chillicothe, Ohio, are pursuing charges in that jurisdiction.

Anyone with information pertaining to this case is asked to contact Inv. Jason Fetner at 678-423-6711.