Fayette Commission ponders its next county manager


What might be the most interesting item at the July 12 meeting of the Fayette County Commission will involve a discussion on securing an interim county administrator until a replacement for recently retired County Administrator Jack Krakeel can be found.

Krakeel’s early retirement was effective July 1. Having previously announced his intent to retire, the commission has been advertising for the position in state and national publications.

Krakeel at one point had considered staying on past the end of June but subsequently decided to end his 26 years with the county effective July 1.

Also at the meeting, commissioners will consider removing the services and fees provided by the Fayette County Bureau of Fire Prevention from county ordinances and placing it instead as a stand alone resolution. Though the services and fees are not changing, maintaining them in the form of a resolution saves on the cost of having the county code book re-published when fees are changed from time to time, according to Fire Chief Allen McCullough.

Also on the agenda is a request from the sheriff’s office to amend the overtime budget for Criminal Investigations Division staff assigned to work with various federal agencies and another seeking to amend the gasoline vendor budget category after receiving a $1,000 gasoline reimbursement from the U.S. Marshals Service.

Commissioners will also consider contracting with a cleaning service for the Fayetteville library.