We must deny Obama a 2nd term


This editorial is directed to all people who believe in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights as written by our Founding Fathers. There are approximately 100 million firearm owners in the United States and this editorial is to those firearm owners residing in the state of Georgia.

Neither President Barrack Obama nor his administration need to be re-elected for a second term in office. Why, one may ask? Here are some of the reasons showing President Obama’s political views and why he should not be re-elected;

1. He has endorsed a ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms.

2. He backs a 500 per cent increase in federal taxes on firearms and ammunition.

3. He has voted to ban single-shot, over-under and side-by-side shotguns.

4. He has said the right of lawful citizens to carry a firearm for personal protection should be banned nationwide.

5. He supports efforts to prohibit Americans from keeping firearms in their homes for self-defense.

6. He has circumvented Congress by using presidential executive order to make special backdoor firearm registration for some Southwestern state’s gun dealers.

7. Obama supports, with Hillary Clinton, an U.N. international arms treaty that could effectively ban or severely restrict civilian ownership of firearms world-wide thereby gutting our Second Amendment rights.

His present administration is just as bad in trying to eliminate our Second Amendment rights. For instance, Attorney General Eric Holden and the Justice Department to this day have refused to answer a Congressional Committee question on operation “Fast and Furious” run by the BATF and the Justice Department.

“Fast and Furious was an operation to create the appearance that purchases of firearms in the United States caused the Mexican drug wars. In this the BATF and the Justice Department conspired in secret to allow, encourage and engage in illegal weapons smuggling, knowing full well that these thousands of weapons were headed straight to the cartels.

They ran a massive campaign out of the Department of Justice and the White House to encourage the media to slander the reputations of honest firearms dealers and owners of legally owned firearms.

It has resulted in the deaths of numerous Mexican officials and citizens, but most of all, the direct use of these firearms by criminal elements of the Mexican cartel in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. He was murdered outside of Nogales, Ariz., in December 2010.

Not only is the White House, the Justice Department and the BATF conduct unconstitutional, but elected members of the Supreme Court by President Obama have made decisions and/or remarks that border on being unconstitutional.

In November 2012 we will go and vote for a presidential candidate to serve the next four years. Your vote is important in deciding to change this present course we are now on, or increase future chances of the loss of our Second Amendment and other Constitutional rights.

John H. Sharpe

Fayetteville, Ga.