Variance will allow covered porch that encroaches rear setback


A Peachtree City couple will be able to add a covered porch on top of their existing deck thanks to a variance approved by the city council last week.

The variance for Michael and Donna Regan will allow the porch to be built on top of an existing deck, which will result in a 7.6 foot encroachment into the required 30-foot rear building setback.

The home is in the Fishers Bank subdivision, and one of the swaying factors was that Mrs. Regan would not be able to enjoy the outdoors without the screened porch due to her allergy to bee and wasp stings.

Another factor is that the home at 110 Lanyard Bend, built in 1980, is in an older neighborhood of the city, and officials want to encourage reinvestment in older homes to help keep up and increase property values.

An aerial photo shows a significant amount of trees screening the Regan’s home from their neighbor to the rear, who also signed a letter indicating support for the variance and the screened porch. Both next-door neighbors also signed off on the project.