STG prepares a ‘Christmas Gift’


Terry and Celia Hoffman, longtime members of Southside Theatre Guild in Fairburn, took in a play last year at Stone Mountain ART Station called “Christmas Gift.” The play was based upon a story written by Fayette County resident Dr. Ferrol Sams Jr. After seeing the show, the Hoffmans talked to the playwright, David Thomas, about bringing the show to the theater in Fairburn this year at Christmas.

“I was also on the theater’s script committee and lobbied for the play,” Terry added, not that the theater or members needed much of a push. The show is heartwarming and family friendly and it features Dr. Sams, a very well-known, popular and respected person in the area. The Hoffmans, co-directing the show, think that the local connection to the play will be a good draw.

Dr. Sams got his M.D. in 1949 from Emory University and practiced medicine with his wife, Helen, until they retired in 2006. He published his first book, “Run With The Horsemen” in 1982 and was awarded the Townsend prize for fiction for the publication of “When All The World Was Young” in 1991.

The story of “Christmas Gift” is about Dr. Sams and his sisters growing up after the depression and celebrating Christmas. Jim Abert plays Sambo, as he is affectionately known in Fayette County, who narrates the play, while Sams’ sisters are played by Patty Richardson (Jimmy Kate), Celia Hoffman (Janice) and Jill Lucas (Sara). The characters reminisce about the Christmas during the play, sharing their recollections and sometimes dramatizing that time as well. It is a unique challenge for the actors who play versions of themselves at middle age and adolescence, as well as portraying relatives, friends and neighbors in the show. “Christmas Gift” also features original music written by Patrick Hutchison. The show truly has a little bit of everything.

The show will run Thursdays-Sundays, Dec. 1-11. Performances are at 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. There will also be a reception with refreshments in the lobby Dec. 1 at 6:30 p.m. with Dr. Sams signing copies of his book.

“Christmas Gift” will be a fun show for families to take in during the holidays, especially for those tired of seeing the same old Christmas shows year in and year out.

For more information or to reserve tickets, phone 770-969-0956 or visit