The Beehive and Teacher Resource Center


The Partners in Education Program is a joint effort of the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce and the Fayette County Board of Education.

Teachers needing supplies beyond what their individual school budget will buy, now have an advantage due to this consortium. A Teacher Resource Center has been set up in the former Fayette County High School, Room 3. Yes, that’s the old Home Ec. room.

Terry Green Wilson represents the school systems partner in education. She has organized the many kinds of craft, cardstock, construction paper, etc. to assist teachers in bringing information to students in a manner they will remember. This department can also wax items, laminate items, and can provide over 1,400 die cuts.

The Bee Hive was first established in 2001 to create an environment to produce instructional materials for the classroom.

Any company or individuals who have supplies they would like to donate no longer need to call all the schools to see who could use them. Just call Terry and she will take it from there.

Teachers need only to send their request via email and the schools courier delivery system will bring the items back to them. Needless to say, teachers are reminded that this is a privilege not to be abused.

Some of the items on Terri’s Wish List include: #2 pencils, crayons, Expo dry erase markers, copy paper 20#, and glue. Supplies for the clinics include gift cards that will allow them to go to stores and buy band aids, hand sanitizer, cotton balls, alcohol wipes and tissues.

The Bee Hive is open 210 days of the year, from Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. It can be reached at 770-460-3990 x. 230.