PTCUMC will offer ‘Surviving the Holidays’ seminar Nov. 1


Peachtree City United Methodist Church will present “Surviving the Holidays, ” a seminar for GriefShare and DivorceCare, Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 7 p.m.

“Surviving the Holidays” seminar for GriefShare and DivorceCare will be held in separate rooms..

“This seminar is a helpful, encouraging seminar for people facing the holidays after a loved one’s death or after separation or divorce,” a spokesperson said. “The seminar features practical suggestions through video interviews with counselors, experts and other people who have experienced the holidays after facing these life changing experiences.”

Those attending will receive a free booklet with many suggestions and additional insights in holiday survival.

For more information, contact Peachtree City United Methodist Church, 770-487-6499, or Helen Ragsdale, 678-817-0238.