DOT changes speed limit on Hwy. 74 south near post office


Speed limit signs have been moved on Ga. Highway 74 south as a result of a speed study conducted by the Georgia Department of Transportation, city officials have said.

With the new signs, southbound traffic will see a speed limit increase from 40 mph to 50 mph near the post office, and northbound traffic will see a speed limit decrease from 50 mph to 40 mph as they get closer to the intersection of Ga. highways 54 and 74.

The city looked into the matter after a resident inquired about the removal of one of the 50 mph signs near the campus of NCR, city officials said.

The speed limits on Ga. Highway 74 south of 54 caused chatter among residents almost as soon as the stretch of road opened in early 2009. With three lanes traveling in both directions, it can be hard for a motorist to suppress the urge to go faster than the posted speed limit, some citizens said at the time.