COS plans special music for 9/11


During worship on Sept. 11, the Sanctuary Choir at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City will sing “A Prayer for Our Time,” which was written “in response to the tragic events of Sept.11, 2001,” according to composer Joseph Martin. Handbells with flutist Sara Kahley and readers Ashleigh Shriner and Morgan Wiese will present “Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace,” a setting of the familiar Prayer of St. Francis.

The Christ Our Shepherd Flute Choir will play “America the Beautiful” at a special 6 p.m. Service of Remembrance and Hope. This one-hour service marking the tenth anniversary of America’s most devastating terrorist attack will include reflections by Delta pilot Karl Dietmeyer and pastors Fritz Wiese and Miriam Beecher.