More students taking AP courses and earning higher honors


The school system’s 2011 Advanced Placement (AP) exam results just released by the College Board show gains in the number of tests taken and increases in the number of students receiving AP Scholar designations.

Students can earn college credit, advanced placement in college, or both for successful performance on the AP tests.

A total of 1,241 students took at least one AP course in 2011, up 58 from 2010; the school system administered 2,224 tests, up 155 from 2010 (many students take more than one AP course per year).

As the number of AP students and tests increased, so did performance levels. The College Board recognizes students who perform at a sufficiently high level on tests by assigning AP Scholar Awards. There are four award levels. All totaled, 314 honors were earned, up 41 from last year.

A total of seven students earned the highest honor, the National AP Scholar designation. No students earned the award last year. To qualify, students must earn an average grade of at least 4 on all tests and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more tests. The students were from McIntosh High (5), Starr’s Mill High (1), and Whitewater High (1).

Ninety-nine students earned the second highest honor, the AP Scholar with Distinction, up 29 from last year. Students must earn an average grade of at least 3.5 on all tests taken and scores of 3 or higher on at least five tests. The breakdown of schools: Fayette County High (18); McIntosh High (36); Sandy Creek High (5); Starr’s Mill High (27); and Whitewater High (13).

Seventy-three students earned the AP Scholar with Honor, the third highest honor, up 15 from last year. Students must earn an average grade of at least 3.25 on all tests taken and scores of 3 or higher on four or more tests. The schools with students earning this honor were Fayette County High (7); McIntosh High (22); Sandy Creek High (3); and Starr’s Mill High (27).

The fourth highest honor, the AP Scholar, dropped this year by 10 with 135 students receiving the designation. Students must earn a grade of 3 or higher on three or more exams. The breakdown of schools: Fayette County High (15); McIntosh High (36); Sandy Creek High (11); Starr’s Mill High (47); and Whitewater High (26).

The College Board will release national results in October