PTC Council may censure mayor


According to an email from Peachtree City, the city council tomorrow night will consider censuring Mayor Don Haddix “and call for corrective action in order to protect and better serve the citizens of Peachtree City.”

A resolution prepared for the matter claims Haddix “has created an untenable work environment by publicly belittling and criticizing current and former city employees, elected officials and appointed officials, resulting in at least one lawsuit with related costs to the city.”

The resolution also criticized Haddix for publicly criticizing the Fayette County Development Authority, which has assisted in bringing a number of businesses to the city including Sany, Cooper Lighting, Panasonic, Rinnai, NCR and more. Haddix also is being called on the carpet for criticizing the Atlanta Regional Commission.

The resolution, which will be up for a formal vote from council at its meeting Thursday night, states that the council “has lost confidence” in Mayor Haddix.

In addition, the resolution is written to censure Haddix for “comments and actions that put the City of Peachtree City at financial risk, create an untenable work environment, and damage the City’s relationships with other governmental agencies.”

The resolution asks Haddix to “correctly carry out the duties of Mayor, adhere to the City Charter, Council Rules, and common courtesy, work effectively as a member of the City Council, and work effectively in his capacity of Mayor with other state and local government agencies.

Furthermore, the resolution states, “If Mayor Donnie Owen Haddix cannot or will not take corrective action to carry out the duties of Mayor, function as a member of City Council, and adequately represent the citizens of Peachtree City, the City Council asks that Mayor Haddix resign from office.”

The resolution to censure Haddix will be considered at the end of the agenda at Thursday’s council meeting, which starts at 7 p.m. at City Hall.