Fayette County landfill transfer station reopens after fire


Firefighters from Fayetteville and Fayette County Fire and Emergency Services battled an early morning fire May 15 in the transfer station building at the county landfill on First Manassas Mile. The fire was brought under control early Sunday afternoon and the transfer station was reopened Tuesday.

FES spokesperson Lt. Donnie Davis said the fire was reported by a passer-by just after 7 a.m. on Sunday. Fire crews responded, aided by an operator from Waste Management, Inc., who used equipment to pull the stored, smoldering garbage into the area in front of the metal building so that firefighters could douse it with water.

There was enough household garbage inside the building to fill five to 10 tractor-trailers, Davis said.

Firefighters arriving at the scene found the building’s contents heavily involved with fire and smoke, Davis said. The fire was completely extinguished around 2 p.m.

Davis said the large metal building was subsequently checked and was found in sufficient shape to reopen the facility Tuesday morning.

The cause of the fire is not known at this time, Davis said, adding that it is still under investigation.