Starr’s Mill drama students spreading ‘Rumors’


What happens when four couples arrive at a dinner party and the host has a gunshot wound to the head and the hostess is nowhere in sight? Rumor has it that a brilliant comedy is about to ensue.

Starr’s Mill High School Drama Department will present award-winning playwright Neil Simon’s 1988 comedy “Rumors” on April 28 and 29 at 7 p.m. in the school’s Duke Auditorium.

As the story goes, Charley Brock, deputy mayor of New York and his wife, Myra, have invited four upper-class couples to a dinner party at their home to celebrate their 10th anniversary. The hilarious complications, assumptions and outright fabrications begin when the first couple arrives to find that Charley has shot himself in the head, Myra is missing, and the servants are gone too. As each new couple arrives at the party, the rumors as to what actually happened to the hosts become more sensational. Eventually, though, the couples join forces to save their own reputations by doing everything possible to conceal the evening’s events from the local police and media.

“Rumors,” directed by David Spearman, Starr’s Mill High School Drama Department director, will be performed by the school’s Advanced Drama II class. Tickets cost $10 for adults and $7 for students and can be purchased at the school’s front office or at the door prior to the shows. For information, call 770-486-2710.

The SMHS Drama Department was recognized on April 5 by the Shuler Hensley Awards program with four nominations and four honorable mentions for the school’s fall 2010 production of the musical “Hairspray.” Winners of this prestigious high school musical theatre awards program, will be announced at the 2011 Shuler Hensley Awards Show on April 26 at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre.