E. Fayette bypass gets go-ahead


Despite criticism that the planned East Fayetteville Bypass is not a bypass at all, the Fayette County Commission tonight approved a conceptual alignment for the road, along with pursuit of state and federal funding for the $39.4 million project.

The bypass would begin north of Fayetteville at the intersection of Ga. Highway 85 and Corinth Road, but the southern end of the bypass won’t reach either of the two highways south of Fayetteville. Instead the road ends at the intersection of County Line Road, south Jeff Davis Road and Inman Road.

The proposal from county staff has the bypass starting at Hwy. 85 and Corinth Road, following the length of Corinth Road to Ga. Highway 54. From Hwy. 54 a new section of road will be built to reach a new intersection at McDonough Road. From there the road will follow the path of the existing County Line Road to the intersection of County Line, south Jeff Davis and Inman roads.

Of the total project cost, the county is expecting to get $21.1 million in state and federal funds, with the remainder coming from revenue from the 2003 county transportation sales tax.

Although the road will be two lanes in many sections, the county will buy enough right of way to upgrade the road to four lanes if such is needed in the future, explained county Public Works Director Phil Mallon.

There will also be sections of the bypass that will have three lanes, particularly at intersections and also along areas of road where there are multiple existing access points for motorists getting onto the road.

One resident who lives in the area suggested that the road would mostly benefit residents in Clayton County. She also said the road would come very close to her residence.

There has been a public clamor for the East Fayetteville Bypass to be built, largely from opponents of the West Fayetteville Bypass.