Woolsey Baptist to offer GriefShare


Woolsey Baptist Church will begin a GriefShare support group on March 2. The group will meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 – 8 p.m. for 13 weeks. The workbook costs $15. Classes are open to the community.

GriefShare is a support group for those who have lost loved ones. It is a place where one can express his or her emotions and receive comfort from others who have been there themselves.

GriefShare groups meet across the U.S., Canada, the UK, Australia and other countries. To learn more, visit www.griefshare.org.

Woolsey Baptist Church is at 115 Hampton Rd. in Fayetteville.

For more information about Grief Share, call the church office, 770-461-9618 or visit www.woolseybaptist.org .