American Legion’s oratorical contest winners


The American Legion Fayette County Post 105 announces the results of their 2011 Oratorical “Constitutional Speech” Contest.  Open to high school students across Fayette County for scholarship money, each contestant delivers their own 8 to 10 minute prepared oration dealing with the US Constitution. 

Next, they present a 3 to 5 minute short speech on one of four possible topics dealing with selected amendments to our Constitution. 

From the left, Post 105 Commander Denny Leander is pictured with Yosef Shelbayah, 3rd Place, Alexis Salvanera, 1st Place Winner, Kevin Fidati, 2nd Place Runner-up and David Niebes, Post 105 Oratorical Chairman.  For placing first,  Alexis received a check for $125 and an American Legion Oratorical medallion. 

Alexis is a junior home school student from Fayetteville and will now advance to the 4th District Oratorical contest in Griffin for additional scholarship money. Photo/Special.