3 commissioners run closed government


Our three musketeer commissioners, Frady, Horgan and Hearn, continue the legacy of Jack Smith and Eric Maxwell. That legacy is nothing more than a manipulative, deceptive and closed process government.

As a prime example of the manipulative and closed form of government the citizens of Fayette County have been subjected to over the last four years, our former commission tried to sneak through a change in the county’s charter, which would give the commissioners control over the Board of Elections member selections.

Previously, the Democrat and Republican Parties were allowed to choose their own representative as their eyes and ears concerning election matters. The Board of Elections is an autonomous body designed to prevent meddling by incumbents in our local elections. Wielding a new veto power, our commissioners could manipulate and greatly damage our ability to ensure fair and impartial elections.

As a blatant example of the deception that continues to plague the people of Fayette County, our commissioners have repeatedly said that the West Fayetteville Bypass (WFB) was designed to relieve traffic issues in downtown Fayetteville.

If our public officials’ goal is to alleviate Fayetteville traffic, Mayor Ken Steele of Fayetteville, Commission Chairman Herb Frady, Vice Chairman Robert Horgan and Commissioner Lee Hearn need to explain to the citizens how that goal will be accomplished when an ARC map clearly shows the planned route for the outer perimeter runs into the center of downtown Fayetteville.

The connecting route from Fayetteville has not been finalized, but it is expected to overlay either Ga. Highway 92 or Sandy Creek Road to complete its course through Fayette County.

All Fayette County citizens should keep in mind that Mayor Ken Steele and Commission Chairman Herb Frady sit on the ARC’s transportation Board and Roundtable. We should also keep in mind that the only way we can escape the long arm of the Atlanta Regional Commission is to remove ourselves from that dictatorship and align ourselves with the Three Rivers Commission.

We the people of Fayette County have continually asked our public officials who, how, when and what removed the East Fayetteville Bypass from the #1 priority status for traffic relief in Fayetteville?

The people have been asking that question for two years. That question has been asked through personal contact, open records requests, letters, emails, public forums and newspaper articles. To date, none of our public officials has addressed that question.

Ginga Smithfield

Fayetteville, Ga.