County looking at 3 options for location of proposed East Bypass


At its workshop meeting Wednesday afternoon, the Fayette County Board of Commissioners will look at three different options for the proposed East Fayetteville Bypass.
One question still unanswered is whether the east bypass will become as hot a political potato as

the controversial — and still unfinished — west bypass has proven to be.

Called a “road to nowhere” and “a developers’ highway” by its detractors, the west bypass figured prominently in the July Republican Primary in which two supporters of the bypass — incumbents Jack Smith and Eric Maxwell — were defeated for reelection by two opponents of the road, Allen McCarty and Steve Brown.

The east bypass as proposed would extend from Ga. Highway 85 north along Corinth Road and County Line Road, linking to Inman Road, South Jeff Davis Drive and North Bridge Road in Clayton County.
Option 1 is for the bypass to have two lanes in each direction, while option 2 trims it down to one lane in each direction.

Both of the first two options would involve construction of a new road between County Line Circle and Corinth Road so the bypass could intersect with Corinth Road at Ga. Highway 54 on the far eastern side of the county.

The third option would have one lane in each direction, but instead of using a new road path it would follow McDonough Road and McElroy Road to reach Hwy. 54 and ultimately Corinth Road for the northernmost section of the bypass.

A 24-page analysis of the three various options for the East Fayetteville Bypass was conducted by the traffic engineering firm Street Smarts and has been presented to commissioners for review.

The study indicated that roundabouts along some intersections of the bypass may be more effective that a traditional intersection that applies stop signs to side streets.

The commission is not expected to vote on a particular option, as the matter will be discussed at its workshop meeting Wednesday that begins at 3:30 p.m.