F’ville Council to consider OK’ing Fayette transportation plan


The Fayetteville City Council Thursday night will consider a resolution to support the 2010 Fayette County Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The resolution includes a wish list of proposed projects that will be forwarded to the county for consideration.

Serving as a guide for the prioritization and planning for future transportation projects, the city listed its priorities in three tiers.

Tier 1 projects include the traffic signal at North Glynn Street and Lafayette Avenue, the Lafayette Avenue extension, the Ga. Highway 92 and Hood Avenue extension, access management on South Glynn Street from Grady Avenue to Georgia Avenue and downtown pedestrian improvements.

Tier 2 projects include intersection improvements at New Hope Road and Ga. Highway 85, an intersection reconfiguration at Lafayette Avenue and Tiger Trail, a connection at Industrial Way, Grady Road operational improvements, operational improvements to Washington Street and Carver Street, a curve alignment on White Road and the downtown Fayetteville Greenway System.

The sole Tier 3 project is a Hwy. 92 connector widening from Hwy. 85 to Jimmie Mayfield Boulevard.

Fayetteville Director of Public Services Don Easterbrook in a Nov. 18 memo said Fayette County requests each municipality in the county adopt a resolution expressing general support for the recommendations in the 2010 Comprehensive Transportation Plan.

Fayetteville, the other municipalities in the county and the general public have worked with the county for the past two years developing the recommendations and the projects listed in the plan, Easterbrook said. The plan provides a guide for prioritizing transportation projects in the future and the ARC will use the CTP to screen projects under consideration for federal funding, said Easterbrook.

The council will also consider helping businesses make the most of the upcoming holiday sales season. The council will consider a resolution that will allow businesses to display two more banners during the holiday season in addition to the two banners per year they are currently permitted by the sign ordinance.

The move by the council is in response to the continuing economic state of the local economy and a request by some business owners to reinstitute an expanded version of the sign ordinance, the use of additional temporary banner signs, that expired in September. If approved, the temporary measure would expire in mid-January.

Finally at the Thursday meeting, the council will hear the second reading and vote on a proposed ordinance on outside watering that will put the city in compliance with recent changes in state law. Though there are a number of exceptions included, the ordinance requires outside watering to be done between 4 p.m. and 10 a.m.

The ordinance pertains to the passage of Senate Bill 370 that was signed into law on June 1. The law requires that cities, counties and water suppliers incorporate into their ordinances the restrictions on watering outdoor landscaping. Once approved, watering can be done between the hours of 4 p.m. and 10 a.m. on any day of the week. The previous odd/even residential watering requirement is no longer applicable.

The exemptions included in the law extend to commercial agriculture, irrigation of food gardens, irrigation of newly installed or re-seeded turf for the first 30 days, drip irrigation or soaker hoses, alternative sources of water, hand watering with a shut-off hose, water from a private well, irrigation of plants for sale, irrigation of athletic fields, golf courses, etc., installation, maintenance or calibration of irrigation systems and hydroseeding.