SFM yard sale starts Friday


Square Foot Ministry (SFM), the local non-profit organization, will take donations through Friday morning for its annual yard sale, coming up this weekend, May 14-15. The yard sale will be in the parking lot and Family Life Center of Fayetteville First United Methodist Church (FFUMC) in downtown Fayetteville from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

Sheri Pepper, chairperson of the Yard Sale Committee says, “We need large items, such as usable furniture, working appliances, as well as household goods such as sheets, towels, and curtains. Computers cannot be accepted unless they are in working order and must include both the computer and the monitor.”

All donations are tax-deductible and can be dropped off at FFUMC on Thursday, May 14 or the morning of Friday, May 15. For more information, contact Sheri Pepper, 770-354-8693.

SFM uses all proceeds from the yard sale to purchase building supplies for the annual “Blitz Build” and other projects conducted throughout the year within the community. All SFM projects are funded through donations from businesses, churches, and individuals.

Visit the web site for further information: www.squarefootministry.com.