Say thanks to a teacher this week


Students, parents and the community at-large are encouraged to show Fayette’s teachers how much they are appreciated for the work they do by honoring them during National Teacher Appreciation Week May 3-7.

Great teachers have had an impact on every individual at some point in his or her life. Every year the finalists for Fayette County Teacher of the Year reflect on that one teacher who made learning fun and helped them feel special. Because of how a certain teacher touched their lives, these individuals decided to become educators, too.

Teachers play a very important role in the development of almost all societies. Their contribution toward the education and development of children, a country’s future generation, is invaluable. Because of this, almost all major countries of the world devote a special day to celebrate teachers; some of them are national holidays while others are celebrated during working days.

In the United States, the first full week in May is designated as National Teacher Appreciation Week with the Tuesday of that week marked as National Teacher Day. Both present and former students can pay tribute to the teachers who have touched their lives by simply sending a card, email or note of thanks. The best reward a teacher can receive is a “thank-you” for the job they do and impact they make on the community.

Ideas and suggestions on how to celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week are available on the National PTA web site,