Cary named ‘Outstanding Woman in American History’ by local DAR chapter


Carolyn Cary was recently announced as the Outstanding Woman in American History by the James Waldrop Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.  Cary has resided in Fayette County since 1966 and has witnessed Fayette County history firsthand.

Cary has done more to preserve Fayette County history than most natives of the area. In 1981 the Fayette County Board of Commissioners crowned her the official Fayette County Historian. Since her arrival she has held leadership positions in Georgia Writers Association, Fayette County Emergency Medical Association, and Fayette County Chamber of Commerce (now housed in the Fayette County Courthouse which she helped to save after its burning in 1983) and is the co-founder of the Fayette County Historical Society. 

The Historical Society is her enduring passion where genealogical research offers 2,000 folders and books donated by local families. In 1971, the year the Society was founded, Cary and C.J. Mowell organized the Sesquicentennial Celebration for Fayette which included speeches, parades, a costume ball, and Creek Indian dances. This also led to her compilation of articles making up the publication in 1977 of the History of Fayette County. 

She has published other works- “William Thomas Overby – Proud Partisan Ranger” and the most recent, “Historic Fayette.” Cary is a writer for The Citizen, the local newspaper and contributes articles to Fayette Woman magazine. One of her greatest thrills was to be chosen to be a Torch Bearer for the 1996 Olympics. It was a double treat for her as she received the torch at the dedication of Heritage Park which she worked tirelessly to bring to fruition. Other accolades for Cary include two time winner of Chamber of Commerce Awards, Fayette County Citizen of the Year, and recognition by the Creek Indian and McIntosh Clan for her work on their behalf. 

The James Waldrop Chapter DAR is chartered in Fayetteville.