Tea Party events coming April 15 to PTC and Newnan


This time last year a small handful of people in Fayette and Coweta counties decided to mirror similar efforts planned across America by protesting their dissatisfaction with the federal government at Tea Party rallies on April 15. Hundreds attended the local rallies.

Now with local mailing lists totaling a few thousand, the South Atlanta Tea Party Patriots, the Coweta Tea Party and the Fayette/Coweta 9.12 Patriots will be holding events again this year on April 15 in Peachtree City and Newnan.

The Peachtree City event will be held from 12-1:30 p.m. at Drake Field adjacent to Peachtree City Hall and Lake Peachtree. The event will feature radio talk show host Herman Cain.

The 2010 Tax Day Rally in Newnan will be held at Greenville Park from 12-1:30 p.m. The rally will kick off with live music followed by speaker Virginia Galloway, state Director for Americans for Prosperity, and comments from State Representative Billy Horne, State Senator Mitch Seabaugh and local businessman Rob Brass. Attendees are encouraged to bring tasteful protest signs and flags.

Fayette County’s South Atlanta Tea Party is the new name for the Southern Crescent Tea Party Patriots. The non-profit South Atlanta Tea Party is a grassroots non-partisan group concerned with the direction the country is headed. For more information on the organization and transportation to the rally later April 15 in Atlanta visit www.southatlantateaparty.org

The Coweta Tea Party is a non-partisan, non-profit social welfare organization dedicated to furthering the common good and general welfare of the people of the United States. CTP furthers this goal by educating the public and promoting the principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets. CTP has not endorsed candidates for public office. Visit www.cowetateaparty.org for information on the organization and the Atlanta rally April 15.

The Fayette-Coweta 9.12 Patriots is a grassroots non-partisan organization of fiscally and socially conservative citizens dedicated to returning America to its founding constitutional principles. For more information visit www.fc912patriots.com.