Coweta Commission approves doggie day camp in Sharpsburg


East Coweta residents needing a place board their dog will soon have the option of a doggie day camp. Coweta County commissioners last week approved a dog boarding and day camp to be located on a small portion of a 55-acre property on Christopher Road.

County zoning administrator Angela White in noting the proposal said applicants John and Diane Christopher want to incorporate an existing horse arena and approximately on acre to build a dog boarding and day care facility. The RC-zoned property (Rural Conservation) totals 55.53 acres with the kennel site situated approximately one-third mile from Christopher Road.

White said the facility will incorporate a maximum of 20 animals with individual runs, a covered play area along with other large and small play areas. The boarding and play areas will be built around the existing horse stalls and arena, she said.

Commissioners with their approval required that the applicants meet nine conditions. While most of those conditions are relatively standard, commissioners did require that the facility be limited to a maximum of 20 stalls. Other conditions related to issues such as vegetative screening, dust control, stormwater management and proper lighting.

The proposed conditional use permit had been previously recommended for approval by the Coweta County Planning and Zoning Department and the Board of Zoning Appeals.