Monopoly tournament returns to Towne Club May 1


The second annual Peachtree City Monopoly tournament is scheduled for Saturday, May 1 at the Towne Club on Crosstown Road.  Players will be competing for $200 in cash prizes to be awarded to the top four finishers. There is no entry fee.

This year’s tournament will be run exactly as last year’s. The first round of 64 players at 16 tables will start at 10 a.m.  A semifinal round of the 16 winners from the first round will play on four tables at noon. The four winners of the semifinal will play the championship game on a Collector’s Edition board at 2 p.m.
 Ages 12 and up are welcome to register.  Case by case exceptions will be considered for those younger than 12.

 Aside from the $200 in cash prizes there will be three Hasbro games; Scrabble, Sorry and Connect 4 awarded as door prizes during the tournament.

The number of entries is limited. Interested players are encouraged to register in advance by emailing:  [email protected] .  Include your name, address, phone and age in the email.  Game day registration runs from 9 a.m. until a rules review at around 9:45 a.m.  The first round will begin at 10 a.m. and be timed for 75 minutes. 

Volunteers and businesses interested in supporting the tournament are encouraged contact tournament organizers at the email address or phone 678-364-0134.