New north Fayette billboards come with a legal history


A number of Fayette County residents in the past few days have noticed the changing landscape of outdoor advertising along Ga. Highway 85 North in the area of the Fayette Pavilion. And the two large billboards being erected are generating complaints by some people. Attempts to keep out the billboards landed Fayette County in court where the battle was eventually lost.

The chain of events began when the county was sued by a billboard company in 2003. The company wanted to install 10 billboards and insisted that the county’s ordinance pertaining to billboards was unconstitutional.

A number of court battles ensued, including trips to the Georgia Supreme Court. Seeing the handwriting on the wall, the county’s attorney recommended that commissioners settle the issue. That settlement led to the agreement that the company would install two billboards, rather than the original 10, and be compensated $50,000.

The billboards are located on Hwy. 85 across from O’Charley’s near the Fayette Pavilion and at the intersection of Hwy. 85 and Ga. Highway 279. Neither of the billboards are situated inside Fayetteville city limits.

For a complete review of the situation refer to the “Minutes” of the July 24, 2008 county commission meeting.