Sting nets one violation


An April 7 check of business compliance with alcohol sales by Peachtree City police revealed that only one business out of the 30 checked was in violation of the law.

The operation by Peachtree City officers and Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) employees and operatives found only the Wisdom Shell store at 307 Ga. Highway 74 North out of compliance by selling alcohol to a person under age 21.

In all, the compliance and permit check included 30 restaurants, convenience stores and bars. Of that total, only the Wisdom Shell store was out of compliance.

Detective Gary Meier said the checks are done to assure that establishments are in compliance with Georgia law.

“It was one of the better checks we’ve had since 30 were checked and 29 were in compliance,” Meier said.

Meier said the department does at least one compliance and permit check each year.