Tuesday, January 7, 2025
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Management failures abound in E-911 saga

Once again, the Fayette County government has been forced to reckon with an internal structure that has a difficult time believing what it sees...

Walking alone

I saw a meme (noun: a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied, often with slight variations, and spread rapidly by...

The Few against the Many

Last week’s column ended without you, Dear Reader, knowing the outcome of the biggest football rivalry in Briarwood High School history: the mighty Buccaneers...

Parenting reality, part 1

It is all but inevitable that after rattling off a list of provocative, sociopathic stuff his or her child is doing and usually has...

High heels, Southern women

Recently, a friend was telling me that her mother, a most charming Southern woman, had to give up her high heels. She is 76...

Can we secede from the loony left?

If you had the grit to suppress your gag reflex long enough to watch the recent Senate Judiciary Committee witch trials, you may have...

Are ‘social justice warriors’ veterans?

A leftist writer, Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld, suggested in an opinion article in LGBTQ Nation that the category of being a veteran should now...

Pregame football ritual

A deep rumbling cadence echoed down the gangway long before the first opposition football player emerged from the tunnel. They entered the stadium with...

We’re all deplorables now

Four days after he described Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, as a “very credible witness,” President Donald Trump could no...

Having enough

When I was a child growing up, we always had enough. If you asked Daddy, I am sure he would have said that we...

Master Sergeant Willie Miller, USMC

Willie Miller had no idea what was waiting for him a few miles away. It was the occasion of his 94th birthday (he says...

The monster in my memory

How could he forget? The discovery was simply astonishing and left me gazing at the phone speechless. Big Brother James remembered only fragments of...

Spanking: What I actually believe

More musings over morning coffee: FROM THE TRUTH VS. “YOUR TRUTH” DEPARTMENT: The former is grounded in verifiable facts; the latter is the deceptive product...

Mob rule

I think Dr. Christine Ford is blowing smoke and, further, that Judge Brett Kavanaugh is the moral superior of thousands who discount his word...

How abortion polarized America

“Here’s my question,” tweets legal scholar Jeffrey A. Sachs, obviously in response to the controversy over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. “What is the...

Rehearsal for impeachment

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court was approved on an 11-10 party-line vote Friday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Yet his confirmation...

Daddy’s rules

There were violations of certain rules that were guaranteed to aggravate Ralph Satterfield. Ralph was my daddy and I aggravated more him than a...

How will you be remembered?

A dear relative died a couple of weeks ago. Our family gathered for a few days, in the words of the pastor at the...

Is it ‘reserved’ or not?

It’s been a good while since I have written a consumer interest column. When I do, I usually focus on customer service: how was...

Just YouTube it!

Early on in life when kids don’t know how to do things, they simply ask their parents for help. Mom and dad knew everything....

Toilet training … without the drama

Talking today’s mother through her first experience with toilet training is akin to talking someone off a ledge. Both situations involve massive anxiety, high...

Dirty, dirty dirt

“Dirt is dirtier than clean is clean,” observes one of John O’Hara’s characters — a history professor, I think — remarking on the human...

The blues & B.B. King

You probably know that the crying songs of the blues rose up from the flat, silvery cotton fields of the Mississippi Delta. You’ve probably heard...

Anonymous cowardice

Over the years I have received a number of letters from residents in the community regarding the articles I write for this local newspaper....

Universal things parents say to kids

“Don’t take a shower during a thunderstorm. You’ll get struck by lightning.” Why my parents told us this I still don’t have a clue....

Ready for some good news?

We are constantly bombarded with bad news. There are disasters, dangers, challenges, and woes. On the political scene, we find perpetual discord peppered with...

Feedback, pro and con, and this column’s purpose

A few thoughts over morning coffee ... From the Feedback Department: Certain recent columns of mine have drawn a spike in reader responses, both pro...

Jordan B. Peterson — a sign of the end times?

By Dr. Carl Trueman It is not often that a clinical psychologist becomes the cultural equivalent of a rock star, but Canadian academic Jordan B....

Meeting Tink’s childhood

A couple of years ago, Tink took me to visit the upper scale Connecticut town where his childhood and teenage years were spent. He pointed...

Truth about John McCain Part 2

The ropes treatment is real torture. An unknown number of American POWs died from torture in the Hanoi Hilton. By contrast, waterboarding enemy combatants...

Beliefs affect actions

Beliefs affect actions. That, simply, is a universal truth. Therefore, what we believe, on just about any subject, affects what we do. Such a correlation...

First leaf

Fall is the best time of the year. Not because the kids have all gone back to school or the days are getting a...

Keep your daughter home

Question: I am reading your book “The Well-Behaved Child” and have a question that it doesn’t address. I am a single mom with children...

Regime change, American style

The campaign to overturn the 2016 election and bring down President Trump shifted into high gear last week. Inspiration came from the altar of the...
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