Congressman Ferguson talks big but ignores needs of veterans, rural residents


Congressman Drew Ferguson talks a big game, but when the time comes to actually support his constituents, he fails miserably. The recently passed Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill is the best evidence of this.

Despite overwhelming support from Democrats, Republicans, and the majority of Americans, Congressman Ferguson voted against the bill that would drastically improve the lives of rural residents throughout his district. The bill [was to] be signed into law this Monday by President Biden, and includes nearly $65 billion to expand broadband internet access to rural and underserved areas.

Ferguson’s district in largely rural, and anyone who lives out here can tell you that we are badly in need of access to fast, affordable internet. Yet, Ferguson voted against it.

When I called his office to ask for an explanation, his assistant told me that Ferguson didn’t support adding additional money to the deficit. The bill adds roughly $260 billion to the national debt. However, he didn’t seem to mind giving a massive tax cut to the wealthiest Americans and corporations that added over $2 trillion to our deficit a few years ago.

In addition to not supporting his rural constituents, I’m convinced that Congressman Ferguson doesn’t care about us veterans within his district either. Today is Veteran’s Day, and I, like many constituents, received an email from Ferguson in which he heaped praise upon himself for the six bills he’s co-sponsored supporting veterans.

However, some quick research showed that NONE of these bills have passed the House of Representatives. In fact, many haven’t even left committee. Again, Ferguson is doing some big talking. However, the proof is again in his actual votes.

The Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill including funding to construct the first interstate highway in Georgia since the 1960s. Interstate 14 would connect large military installations across the entire Southeast. By voting against it, its clear that Congressman Ferguson doesn’t realize how essential to our national security this would be.

Additionally, in March, Congressman Ferguson voted against the American Rescue Plan, that, among many things, provided over $17 billion to fund vital programs throughout the Department of Veterans Affairs. These funds were used to provide healthcare, housing, debt forgiveness, pensions, and training programs to veterans like me. A vote against that bill, which, by the way, not a single Republican voted for, is a vote against those of us that fought for our country.

Clearly, Congressman Ferguson should take a trip out of his D.C. bubble to visit his rural and veteran constituents, because he seems to have lost touch with the people that put him in office. However, I know that’s unlikely. So, I guess we’ll just have to wait for another email where he praises himself for doing nothing.

Bryce Remkes

Brooks, Ga.

[Bryce Remkes is an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran who currently resides in Brooks, Ga.]


  1. Last year (October), on H.Res. 1154: Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes – Drew Ferguson voted “Nay.” He was one of only 17 Republicans to do so, whereas 146 of his other fellow Republicans in the House voted “Yea.” This pretty much sums things up in my book.

    • Well, I guess Drew will say and do anything to keep his cushy, do-nothing job. I mean, who needs integrity? Integrity among politicians, especially those in DC, is an anomaly. Can we really expect anything different?

  2. Mr. Remkes, thank you so much for your letter- very good point! Everyone in congress loves the military and loves veterans- until it is time to support them. Men and women go off to fight wars and come back hurt, sometimes with debilitating problems that will be with them the rest of their life. Congress just wants to “study the problem” forever and never seriously fund veterans’ health care- they were quick to declare war but not quick to help those that fought it.

    I also find Mr. Ferguson to be just another partisan hack. I’m on his standing email, and his excuse for not getting anything done is always “the Democrats.” Apparently, he was elected to make excuses. How about finding some common ground and working on that? Like a Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill. Well, because he’d be primary’ed for daring to speak to the other side so I guess we get what we deserve…

  3. I’m not familiar with the rural communities’ posture these days, but I can easily understand your perspective and issues. We share a couple of them. I haven’t been impressed with Congressman Ferguson’s representation, though I haven’t been impressed with anyone in Washington in a long time. I appreciate your resolution on issues regarding what the Congressman is and isn’t doing. Maybe he will soon get the message we aren’t necessarily pleased with his performance. I’m very much afraid he, like so many others, take the “party” line as a priority over working for his constituents. Once elected, do we have to sell our souls to the party thinking it’s the only way get anything done? Is it always a fight between parties, or do our elected officials believe they must have their party’s support to get anything done? I don’t know the answers, but I’m fairly discouraged our Government officials aren’t providing us any reasons to place confidence in them. Maybe our Government has a collective communications problem.

    • Congress is broken, no doubt. Why too partisan…problem is, everybody else’s Senator or Representative is the problem, not our own.

      That said, they less they do in DC, the better off we all are. It was never intended to be a full time job. Not it’s just a get richer program for those at the trough.