Spring Hill class caps off year with sweet treats


It was a wild and wooly school year, so one kindergarten class at Spring Hill Elementary celebrated the looming summer with some Seuss-ian treats.

Teacher Jodi Thompson and parapro Libby Auers were completing their seventh year as a classroom team, and they wanted to really make their end-of-year awards ceremony special for their students.

Luckily for Libby, she knew someone who could cook up a really sweet surprise. Her daughter made a custom Cat in the Hat cookie for each student.

“My daughter who lives in Washington state began baking and decorating cookies a few years ago. We thought that was a great way to give the children something special for the big day, so mom made a special request,” she said. “The children were delighted with them, and we FaceTimed with my daughter to thank her and show her their excitement as they enjoyed them!”

One kindergarten class at Spring Hill Elementary celebrated the end of a wild school year with custom Cat in the Hat cookies.