Valentine baskets bring hope and love


Thanks to the generosity of the Fayette community, many students and their families in need were able to have a happier holiday season through donations made to the Fayette County Public School System’s CARE (Children at Risk in Education) program.

Although the holidays are over, the needs of students and their families continue. CARE works all year to help students and their families that are struggling financially by providing assistance with after school care, tutoring, eyeglasses, extra curricular activity fees, clothing and other items and services needed to help children succeed in school.

CARE relies on donations and assistance from the community to help meet the needs of students and their families. For last several years, the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church has provided Valentine Baskets for needy school families.

“We know that everyone hops on board for Thanksgiving and Christmas to help those in need, but what about the rest of the year? Students and their families are in need after the holidays too so we chose Valentine’s Day to keep the assistance going,” says Barbara Anderson who heads up the basket activity at the church.

The baskets include perishable and nonperishable food items as well as small gifts like socks, underwear, toys and books. This year the church is supplying baskets for 30 families.

“We are just so grateful to all of the churches and organizations that want to partner with CARE to help our students throughout the year. We don’t want our families to feel that they have been forgotten now that the holidays are over. We know their struggles continue, and with the help of organizations like the Prince of Peace Lutheran Churh, we will continue to provide assistance where we can,” says Karen Spangler, CARE coordinator for the school system.

Churches, organizations and individuals are invited to work with CARE throughout the year to help the school system’s needy students and families.

For more information about CARE or how to get involved, contact Spangler at 770-460-3535, ext. 120.