Local grandparents go above and beyond to show appreciation for teachers during pandemic

Barry and Carol Walton sitting outside of Kedron Elementary with their handmade sign.

It was another routine day for the staff members at Kedron Elementary who were walking into the school building before sunrise to get ready for a day of teaching, but something about this day was different.

Sitting outside of the school doors was a couple holding a large sign that read “Thank You, Teachers.”

The couple, Barry and Carol Walton, are grandparents to students at Kedron, “They wanted to do something to thank our teachers for being a positive light for our school community and their willingness to serve students during the pandemic,” principal Jamie Voorhies says.

For almost an hour the couple sat at the entrance of the school with their handmade sign greeting teachers one by one, Voorhies says, “Our teachers were so surprised and thankful that their hard work and dedication was noticed.”

In the midst of a nationwide pandemic, the Waltons truly appreciate those teachers who have put in extraordinary work, time, and effort to ensure that their grandchildren and other students could learn in a safe and productive environment.

On behalf of the school community, Voorhies says, “Kedron is very thankful to the Waltons for their heartfelt tribute to our school. Our school theme this year is Be the Light and as a school, it is our goal to be the light of hope for our community in such difficult times. We are so grateful that the Waltons chose to Be the Light for our school. Their small act of kindness will truly have positive ripples that will continue the whole year long. Thank you for being a blessing to our school.”