Why wild swings in BoE budget?


At the April 11 Fayette County Board of Education called meeting, in documents on e-board (www.fcboe.org), Tom Gray stated that the potential fund balance ending 2012 would be $6.9 million. This, Mr. Gray stated, would be the fund balance with the employee pay scale restored.

Bob Todd stated in the April 19th board meeting that “we know we will be all right next year.”

So tell me how did the projected fund balance ending June, 2012 for the May 17 board meeting be a difference of $10 million, in one month?

Every school system in this state acquires their information for budget purposes as we do.

Why is it that we seem to be the only system who has trouble projecting fund balance? We have wild swings month to month in fund balance, sometimes double digit percent swings.

Board members as well as the superintendent need to question the finance department thoroughly.

Employees have invested their futures in the FCBOE. We deserve accurate reporting from our finance department. The citizens of Fayette County do as well.

Dana Camp, president

Fayette County Association of Educators

Fayetteville, Ga.