Imker miffed about Senate inaction


Peachtree City’s bid to increase the hotel-motel tax rate fell flat at the state legislature this year.

While it won approval in the House of Representatives, it was never voted on in the Senate, City Councilman Eric Imker said Thursday night.

Because of the inaction, the city won’t realize a projected $130,000 increase in revenue for its general fund, Imker noted.

Moreover, Imker said, he and his fellow councilmembers have been unsuccessful in contacting local Senator Ronnie Chance, R-Tyrone, to speak about the matter.

“I know there are some other council members who have also asked Mr. Chance with no reply,” Imker said, adding that he hopes Chance will be willing to address the matter on the record.

The hotel-motel tax increase would have brought the city’s rate from 6 to 7 percent, reversing an action taken several years ago to reduce the rate in an effort to help those businesses.

“I was very disappointed that the Senate did not take up the action to at least vote one way or another,” Imker said. “… As a result, the city is going to be short an expected $130,000 this year.”

The hotel-motel tax increase request was approved on a 3-2 council vote in January, with Mayor Don Haddix and Councilman Doug Sturbaum voting against.