Progressive outrage? Or just plain rage?


Friends of mine have a bumper sticker on their SUV that states, “If you are not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” When I saw this I thought, “Exactly!”

The odd fact is that these friends are Democrats and I’m Republican. How is it that we are at a time when people of both parties are outraged?

I understand my outrage; it’s based upon the disgusting totalitarian Rules for Radicals-style smear campaign that was undertaken by the Democrats and their paid and ignorant unpaid screaming activists who tried to destroy a demonstrably qualified and respected judge for the crimes of being a conservative textualist and having been nominated for the Supreme Court by one President Trump.

We all watched as days before the confirmation the Dems brought forward a completely unsubstantiated claim of sexual misconduct when this judge was in high school. The accuser, a professional psychologist and professor from the San Francisco area purportedly remembered(?) being manhandled by a teenage Kavanaugh.

No details were recalled but more like a dream description: she arrived, drank one beer, was accosted (more detail here), and left (or woke up).

In a normal world, such a specious and uncorroborated claim from 36 years prior would be dismissed outright, but not today and not when the Left insists on maintaining a left-leaning Supreme Court.

Earlier hearing interruptions by planted protesters about Roe v. Wade changed to unhinged people cornering and chasing U.S. Senators screaming, “Believe survivors!” and “You are dismissing my pain!”

A seventh FBI investigation was not enough because nothing would have been enough. And when this judge was confirmed, we all were privileged to see a mob of grown men and women screaming at and banging on the doors of the court, followed by elected Democratic Congressmen and Senators saying that the court itself is no longer legitimate, just as they say that our duly elected President is not legitimate.

And of course the left media insists that there are no leftist mobs. Outrageous!

Following that circus, there was the lunch where Jim Brown and Kanye West were invited to the White House and Kanye used the opportunity to go on a 10-minute soliloquy where much of what he said was disjointed but where he made the greatest sin that a black man and entertainer can make by unabashedly praising our President and calling out the Left for their lies and for their identity politics.

Of course, this was followed by talking heads on “mainstream” media (cable news, network news, and major newspapers) decrying this man as “crazy,” a disgrace to “his race,” and even overtly racist comments that would cost any conservative their livelihood.

The veil gets pulled back anytime a black person or a woman speaks of the positive conservatism because of course, leftists and by association Democrats have always stoked division, racism, and sexism all the while claiming (projecting) that Republicans are racist and sexist. Truly outrageous!

Then we get to hear the former Democratic Presidential nominee in England state on camera that there can be no civility when the other party is destroying everything that they care for. This former leader of the party who dismissed millions of Americans as Deplorables now says that we should expect civil unrest unless their party regains power. Outlandish and outrageous!

Leftist professors (almost synonyms) teach intersectionality, promote tribalism and victimhood, decry our nation as evil, support self-segregation of minorities, and attempt to enslave all future generations through Political Correctness ultimately leading to speech laws and human rights tribunals to enforce the party line.

This is how the Soviets and the Nazis came to power; here we actually voluntarily pay exorbitant tuition to have the minds of our youth shaped to Socialism. Ridiculous and outrageous!

But back to the bumper sticker. Why would Democrats be outraged?

I assume that they are not outraged by having their income taxes cut, although they will snipe that corporations (the largest employers) received too much.

I assume that they are not outraged about North Korea no longer firing missiles over Japan.

I would hope that they would not be outraged by NATO member countries being leveraged to pay the share that they all agreed to pay but never have paid.

I assume that they are not outraged by historical employment numbers for all demographics.

I assume that they are not outraged by business investment coming back to the U.S.

I assume that the prosecution and deportation of violent, killer gang members is not outrageous to the Dems.

I question how the policy of separating adults (maybe parents) from minors when caught illegally crossing our border, the policy that was instituted by Obama’s administration, would be cause for outrage now.

If they are outraged by a border wall, then I can’t help that; we cannot come to terms with the 10-20 million illegal aliens in the country today until we significantly impede the flow.

When I asked, the reply was nothing more than talk about how much of an idiot and how disgusting is President Trump. Face it, when a Democrat says that they are outraged this is simply a continuation of the disbelief and outrage felt when they lost the last election.

Worse yet, this obnoxious man is doing exactly what he said that he would do; this must be outrageous for people who have come to expect smooth-talking liars.

The Democrat outrage is simply this: the First Queen’s coronation was stolen by a bombastic, exaggerating boor.

The risk to the country is that in response to this loss the Democratic Party has allowed radical, violent, Socialist voices and mobs to take the lead in their party.

I know that my friends are not any of these things but in the name of defeating Trump they are supporting these very people, and if they are successful all people of means, including my friends, will be identified as oppressors who must pay the “victims” of our success.

There is worse than Trump.

I implore all Democrats of good character to vote Libertarian, or Green Party, or just stay home this election. If you do vote Democrat on the national ballots, you must be either blinded by Trumpism, are being willfully ignorant of your party’s disgusting tactics, or actually agree with divisive socialist governance. In any case you will be part of the problem.

A message must be sent that mob rule and harassment and violence against those with whom you disagree and leaders who label millions of your fellow citizens as evil and vile is not acceptable in our democratic republic and only you can bring your party back from the brink.

We need a vibrant Democrat Party as a balance for those who are not successful in a purely capitalistic society, but socialism and mob rule is not the balance. It could lead to the end of the greatest political experiment in human history.

Alan Felts
Peachtree City, Ga.