Tyrone town entrances, Shamrock Park to get new look


The Tyrone Town Council Thursday night voted unanimously to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ga. Dept. of Transportation (DOT) that will lead to the replacement of the pedestrian bridge at Shamrock Park and to improve signage and landscaping at the entrances to the town along Ga. Highway 74, Tyrone Road, Palmetto Road and Castlewood Road.

What was originally planned as a $512,000 grant for a pedestrian path from Handley Park to Anthony Drive under the Federal Transportation Enhancement Program is expected to be downgraded by DOT to a $200,000 grant, said Town Manager Richard Newbern.

The town’s match for the grant will be $50,000 and will be addressed in the 2011-2012 budget process.

Newbern said the town expects to complete the project by the end of calendar year 2011.

The council Thursday also set the qualifying dates for the mayor and Post 1 and 2 council seats to occur Aug. 29 through Sept. 2. The qualifying fee for the mayor’s position is $288 while the fee for council seats is $144.

The council also unanimously approved an update to the town’s alcoholic beverage ordinance. The updated ordinance requires that cashiers in grocery stores and convenience stores obtain a permit to sell alcoholic beverages.

Another ordinance change follows the Fayetteville and Peachtree City model that has the Tyrone Police Chief serve with the other chiefs on an appeals board dealing with cases pertaining to employees wanting to appeal the denial of a serving permit.

Also at the meeting, Way of Life Community Church was granted approval to hold the annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 23 at Shamrock Park and the “Back to School Bash” on July 30, also at Shamrock Park.