Fayetteville First UMC offers Bible study opportunities


The Fayetteville First United Methodist Church will offer several opportunities for Bible study classes beginning in January.

The Rev. Mark Westmoreland will lead an eight-week study on the Book of Romans beginning Jan 5. Classes will meet Wednesday nights at 6:15. There is no cost for the class.

Beginning Jan. 13, Mickey Siegle will lead “A Mile in Her Shoes: A Women’s Bible Study,” an exploration of the inspirational lives of Old Testament women such as Hannah, Hagar, Abigail and others. These women lived during the time when a harsh society viewed women as voiceless entities more like property than persons.

The class is open to women of all ages and will meet Thursday mornings from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Childcare is available upon request.

The cost is $10 for the participant book. To register, contact Kristen Heiden (kheiden@fayettevillefirst.com.)

The Rev Kristen Heiden will lead a four-week study on the Old Testament book of Ruth, the story of one woman’s devotion to her mother-in-law and the way God uses their lives, beginning Jan. 20, The class will meet Thursdays at 7 p.m. There is no cost for the class. Other classes will begin in February, including Lenten Bible studies.

For information on these and other classes offered at FFUMC, visit the web site, www.fayettevillefirst.com, or call the office, 770-461-4313.

The church is in downtown Fayetteville across the street from the old Fayette County Courthouse.