Commission okays right-of-way for Senoia church


It was essentially a housekeeping issue, but it was important to the project that will locate Legacy Christian Church along Rockaway Road in Senoia. The Coweta County Commission last week gave unanimous approval for the acceptance of a warranty deed linked to the needed right-of-way for the project.

Coweta County Development and Engineering Director Wayne Kennedy said the additional 10 feet of right-of-way was necessary for the widening of Rockaway Road and other work where the church will be located at the corner of Rockaway and Heritage Pointe Parkway on the city’s north side. The approval of commissioners was unanimous.

The Senoia City Council in August unanimously approved a conditional use permit on the 19-acre site on Rockaway Road for the construction of the 15,000-20,000 square-foot church. The approval followed a similar recommendation by the Senoia Planning Commission.

The 19-acre property is positioned at Rockaway Road and Heritage Pointe Parkway and will have entrances on both roads. Church plans call for the construction of the building that will include a sanctuary, classrooms, offices and a kitchen.

The conceptual plan cited proposed and future parking needs at approximately 400 spaces as required by the city. But City Administrator Richard Ferry recommended, and the council agreed, that the requirement be waived for now to 250 spaces until the ministry grows sufficiently to require the additional parking spaces.

The traffic flow report showed that at the current membership of 160 church members there would be a total of 75 trips to the property on weekdays and 158 trips on Sundays. Church members reside primarily in Coweta and Fayette counties.