Some lessons in reality to be drawn from last Tuesday’s elections


I would like to take this opportunity to dispel the administration’s notion that the “thumping” they got Tuesday was due to America’s inability to see or understand what’s best for them. Angry and frustrated with the economy, they took out their frustrations on the party in power. Yeah, right.

Here is what the President and the liberals don’t get: The vast majority of Americans (including many Democrats) are soundly rejecting the Obama vision for America. The liberals continue to fool themselves that Americans are just frustrated, angry and scared about the economy. What they don’t realize is that it’s not just the economy, it’s the whole enchilada.

While the economy may lead the country’s concerns, the administration’s actions on the stimulus, healthcare, financial reform, takeover of the student loan program, the national debt, auto industry bailout, financial industry bailout, housing bailouts, illegal immigration, boarder security, impending increased taxes, efforts to impede progress on energy independence, the growing movement to include Sharia law into our constitutional system, the failure to recognize and identify the threats from stealth jihad, failure to use enhanced interrogation techniques in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism, insistence on using federal courts to try terrorists, continuing efforts to close Gitmo, the failing foreign policy, lack of focus on Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Gaza and the growing threat coming from the cartels in Mexico. And finally, the growing concern about voter fraud in the country.

The American electorate is informed and engaged for the first time in 50 years. And this is why the liberals were blasted out of office this year and will be again in 2012. In case you didn’t notice, the revolt in our state houses was even more remarkable than what happened in the House and Senate.

Roger Casale

Peachtree City, Ga.