Sheriff Babb says Fayette serious crimes decrease 7%


An analysis of serious crimes for 2016 by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office showed a 7 percent decrease in those crimes compared to 2015.

The analysis for 2016 showed 443 Part 1 crimes compared to 473 in 2015. Part 1 crimes include murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, larceny-theft and arson.

Sheriff Barry Babb said the credit for the lower crime rates resides with deputies and the community.

“The credit goes to the people doing the job and to the community, the people out there supporting our officers,” Babb said.

Of the total Part 1 crimes for 2016, there was one homicide, six rapes, nine robberies, 15 aggravated assaults, 106 burglaries, 104 entering autos, 177 larcenies and 25 auto thefts.

Weighted by the time of day of occurrence, the hours of 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. had the highest frequency for Part 1 crimes. In terms of the day of the week, the analysis also showed the highest frequency came on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The analysis also broke down Part 1 crimes by zone.

  • Zone 1, which encompasses portions of northwest Fayette, had 85 Part 1 crimes during 2016.
  • Zone 2, which includes portions of north Fayette, had 74 Part 1 crimes.
  • Zone 3, covering portions of northeast Fayette, had 119 Part 1 crimes. Zone 4, including portions of southwest Fayette, had 79 Part 1 crimes.
  • Zone 5, covering portions of southeast Fayette, had 86 Part 1 crimes.