F’ville Council to decide on limits to waste transfer station locations


The Fayetteville City Council last week heard the first reading of a proposed amendment to the Waste Transfer Station Ordinance that would include locating waste transfer stations in districts zoned for heavy industry.

Senior Planner Linwood Robinson said the amendment would help ensure that waste transfer stations are specifically addressed, adequately approved for operation and placed in the appropriate zoning classification.

Robinson said the Heavy Industrial zoning district (M-2) provides for the permitting of sanitary landfills and similar uses by way of a special exception. But a review of the issue noted that there are no specific provisions in the city’s zoning code to allow for the permitted use and placement of waste transfer stations within the M-2 zoning category, Robinson said.

A transfer station is the intermediate stop for your household garbage on its way to a landfill. Usually it is a transfer trailer-sized compactor that takes garbage from the residential trucks and compacts it into a trailer for hauling to an out of county landfill.

“Staff feels that the M-2 zoning district is the appropriate zoning classification for such facilities and that permission should be granted by special exception,” Robinson said.

Also at the meeting, the council approved a $24,332 contract for resurfacing a .52-mile portion of Pinevale Court and Robinson Drive. The work is being funded through the Georgia Dept. of Transportation’s Local Assistance Road Program (LARP) program.