Book club to discuss Doc Holliday


The monthly book club at the Holliday Dorsey Fife Museum, the antebellum home of Doc Holliday’s family, is currently reading “Southern Son: The Saga of Doc Holliday,” the award-winning, historical fiction trilogy about Doc written by author Victoria Wilcox, of Peachtree City.

“Gone West,” book two of the trilogy, will be the subject of discussion Tuesday, Sept. 13 “The Last Decision,” book three, will be discussed Tuesday, Oct. 11. All meetings run 6-7 p.m. and refreshments will be served.

Victoria Wilcox, an author and expert on Doc who has debunked many myths and discovered new facts about the Western legend who was born in Griffin, will be on hand to add colorful commentary. After founding the Holliday Dorsey Fife House, Wilcox spent 18 years researching Doc and writing the trilogy, which led to awards such as Georgia Author of the Year and Best Historical Western Novelist for 2016 by True West Magazine. She has been featured as a Doc Holliday historian on television and NPR. For more information on the author, visit

The book club is free and open to the public and reservations are unnecessary. Books will be available for purchase, however it is recommended that the book be read before attending. The Museum is located at 140 West Lanier Avenue in Fayetteville. For more information, call the Museum at 770-716-5332.