DFACS to host town hall meeting


Division of Family and Children Services director Bobby Cagle and his guest, Stephanie Blank, Chairwoman of Governor Deal’s Child Welfare Reform Council, will host a town hall meeting to discuss child welfare reform efforts with partner agencies and the local community. It is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 16, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at South Metro Church, 3935 Highway 34 E. in Sharpsburg. It is open to the public.

“The town hall meeting is focused on the impact of child welfare reform and how the Division can work in partnership with community organizations to strengthen families and make children safer,” according to a statement. “The Division’s Blueprint for Change is a three-tier approach that encompasses robust workforce development, a practice model and constituent engagement. The town hall meeting facilitiates the engagement piece with the community.”

A Faith and Community Alliance Meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. the same day at the same location.