Fayette represented at state gala


Fayette County Farm Bureau members, along with other Georgia Farm Bureau (GFB) members and members of Georgia’s ag community, attended a gala for the GFB Foundation for Agriculture April 16 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.

Pictured are Fayette County Farm Bureau members Janet and Roger Greuel at the Georgia Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture Gala.

Georgia 4-H’s performing arts group, Clovers and Company performed at the event along with Dr. Roger C “Bo” Ryles who served as the entertainment host.

The GFB Foundation for Agriculture is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations are tax-exempt. GFB will use the foundation to finance activities and educational materials designed to increase the agricultural literacy of Georgia residents.     

Donations may be made at www.gfbfoundation.org or checks made payable to the GFB Foundation for Agriculture may be mailed to the foundation care of GFB Field Services at P.O. Box 7068 Macon, Ga. 31209.