Biblical history, literature to be offered as elective at Starr’s Mill High School


Demonstrate an example of poetry in the Book of Psalms. Describe the geo-political status of Israel at the time of the birth of Jesus. Those might be future assignments in an elective course at Starr’s Mill High School, the first such venture in Fayette schools.

In an information topic presented at the March 21 meeting of the Fayette County Board of Education, officials learned that semester-length courses of Literature and History of the Old Testament Era and a similar course on the New Testament Era have been requested to be taught next school year at Starr’s Mill High School.

Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement Terry Oatts said Starr’s Mill had requested the two, semester-length to be electives in English Language Arts.

Oatts said an extensive review of the course material was accomplished along with a consultation with the executive cabinet and ELA Coordinator Portia Rhodes. Superintendent Jody Barrow took part in the review.

Barrow said such courses are permitted under the state course offerings and emphasized the importance of presenting these courses within the appropriate historical and literary context with which they were developed.

Oatts said the designated teacher has done extensive research on the topics and provided all required documentation requested prior to Oatts giving tentative approval pending further review.

“These course offerings would further diversify Starr’s Mill’s academic electives while broadening our students’ literary exposure to include interdisciplinary, historical and literary examination of the Old and New Testament,” Oatts said.

The school board had no objection to the courses being taught.